Category Archives: Agile

8 Planning Poker Options for Remote Teams

The most common way to size user stories for an agile team is to use planning poker and fibonacci sequence numbers.  But sometimes doing this is difficult if you are not colocated.  I was a big fan of  But without much fanfare, they changed their tool to only allow 10 people into their estimation session.  Definitely hoses half of my team.  now i need a new tool to help me size my user stories.  Here are some web based tools that can help me out.

  1. The Original – Planning Poker – .  This is what I used for years.  But now, the free version is only available to 10 people on your team at a time.  To add more you must pay $25 per month.  Crazy talk.
  2. Pointing Poker – .  Simple, basic, very popular, and FREE.  That is all that needs to be said.
  3. Plan It Poker – .  I like their tag line.  “Completely free to use no matter how large your team.”  Sign me up.
  4. Planning Poker for Hangouts – .  If you or your team are fans of Google Hangouts, this is the tool for you.
  5. Scrummy – .  This one looks cool… but sounds like it was more of a technology proof of concept than a new product to be launched.
  6. FirePoker – .  Another popular estimation tool.  This one uses angular.js .  Give it a try.
  7. Planning Poker (old version) – .  This one looks to be a legacy install of the original planning poker before the change, and before the redesign.  This might be the answer to my problem.
  8. Agile Estimation for Jira – .  If you are a Jira user,and don’t mind spending money on a plug-in, this is for you.  Not how I would go… but maybe you will.

Which one do you use?  How do you estimate?  Have a tool I missed?  Leave me a comment and let me know!